Helen of Troy is a greek legend with the suppossed most beautiful woman of greece and the indirect cause of the Trojan war. Shes the daughter of Zeus, either by Leida or by Nemsesis and sister of the Dosurci. Helen ran to Troywith paris who was the son of the Trojan king Priam. when Paris was slain, she married his brother Deiphobus, whom she betrayed to Menelaus when Troy was subsequently captured. Menelaus and she then returned to sparta, where they lived happily until their deaths
The inherent conflict between capitalist and communist economic policies, markets, and trade.
It explains in the passage "During World War II, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union partially abandoned an approach to international relations which presupposed the inevitability of a clash between communism and capitalism."
workers or working-class people, regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism).
the lowest class of citizens in ancient Rome.
The situation illustrated Rule of law applying the fundamental principles.
Rule of law is a system under which all characters, establishments, and substances are answerable to laws that are: Publicly proclaimed. Equally strengthened. The rule of law survives when a state's constitution uses as the paramount law of the country when the ordinances established and strengthened by the government constantly adhere to the constitution.
Religion, political, and economy