Answer: War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
Because the news is more eaiser to spread and more people are on the internet these days so they will notice the human rights violations and more people will talk about it.
He was not killed by the couple because their child recovers
He was accomodated in chiken coup by the couple so that he has a place to live. Even when the couple moved to a new house, he got to stay with them.
When the chiken coup collapses, he still gets to live with the couple in the adjacent shed and can move around the house though Elisenda is annoyed
A very old man with enormous wings is a short stroy written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The story is about an old man who had wings but is homeless. He is very old and can't fly. He is thought to be an angel by town people as he has the cure of their diseases.
WW2, Romanian, The largest and most notorious nazi extermination camp, He wrote the book to show his experiences to people and how those experiences impacted him as a person and his Jewish faith.
Official definition of 2:
The Auschwitz concentration camp was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust. It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp built with several gas chambers, and many others that don't really apply to your question.
B. False
The restricted hours for a learner's license are from midnight to 5am. During these hours, the new license-holder must have an adult--an instructor or a parent or guardian with them. This lasts for the first year a new driver holds their license.