topographic map
their locations are determined by typography geography important natural elements of typographic maps
Am, pues, algo que usamos en exceso y abusamos en veces
Tendencia al consumo excesivo e innecesario de bienes y productos.
Answer is D. high prices act as an incentive to increase the supply of a good , service or productive resource.
The market economy can be described or explained as the system where the production of goods and services are been directed or controlled by the laws of demand and supply.
This system is very considered as important , because it explained that businesses with fewer cost are more competitive and will surely make more money when compared with businesses with high cost.
This means that prices are the signal or determinant factor of goods, services and productive resource in a market economy.
Answer and Explanation:
The sub tropical belt of high pressure on Earth is characterized by:
- This belt lies about 30
- 35
in South and North of the equator. - This belt imparts high pressure to the Earth and is referred to as Horse latitudes.
- Monsoon in Asia are also governed by this belt.
The sub tropical belt having high pressure also helps to develop two zones of low pressure in North Pacific called as Aleutian low and North Atlantic called as Icelandic low.
While in North America, migratory cyclonic storms with low pressure creates the region for cyclonic and counter cyclonic activities resulting due to the variation s in temperature in the zone.
In Europe, high pressure sub tropical belt provides Europe with the heat of summers and makes the sub continent of Europe pleasant and hot.