Lyndon Johnson--Lyndon Johnson was the president during the creation of the Great Society programs.
Lyndon Johnson took over after the assassination of JFK. He continued the goals of JFK's administration in providing for the poor. Johnson created the Great Society program which provided housing and medical assistance for the poor as well as beginning welfare programs.
The First Amendment protects the right of individuals and groups to petition the US government. People with particular economic or social concerns often form interest groups to influence lawmakers to act on their behalf. Powerful and influential groups called political action committees have also arisen to finance political campaigns, mostly on a national level.
Factory-made agricultural machinery increases farmers' need for cash and encourages commercial farming
Practical grain drill patented
First grain elevator, Buffalo, NY
Sir John Lawes founded the commercial fertilizer industry by developing a process for making superphosphate
Practical mowing machine patented
Irrigation begun in Utah
Mixed chemical fertilizers sold commercially
I believe the answer is: d.. a split in the Democratic Party
The split of democratic party in 1920 was driven by various cultural issues, one of the biggest issue was whether they should prohibit the Ku Klux Klan. This conflict create a massive divide in votes within the democratic party, which opened up a huge path of the Republican party to seize victory in the presidential election.