Ambas as colônias do norte e do sul tinham diferentes tipos de ocupações.
A principal ocupação das colônias do norte foi o corte de árvores. A partir desses bosques, eles constroem casas para morar e também constroem navios, enquanto as pessoas das colônias do sul eram costureiras, padeiros, ferreiros, sapateiros e fazendeiros. Eles também têm um grande número de escravos, o que ajuda no seu trabalho. Os comerciantes e os plantadores eram elite social e presentes no topo da escada social, enquanto os escravos estavam presentes no fundo da escada social. Essas duas colônias tinham muitas diferenças, mas podem ser unidas para formar um único país, porque sabiam que sua unidade as torna fortes contra seus inimigos e boas para seus países de várias maneiras.
The Mediterranean Sea allowed Romans to trade with other countries.
The defense of the hills and mountains located in the peninsula was one of the bonuses. In the creation of ancient Rome, the two main groups of mountains found in Italy were very significant. There was good farmland and grazing land in Rome. The river offered both a defense and a route for trading goods to be transported, along with convenient access to drinking, irrigating, and washing fresh water.
secondary socialization takes place outside the home. It is where children and adults learn how to act in a way that is appropriate for the situations they are in. Schools require very different behavior from the home, and children must act according to new rules.
Because he wanted to end war as fast as possible
- Truman was vice president for only 82 days before President Roosevelt died.
- He had very little significant discussions on world affairs and domestic politics after taking the oath of office for Roosevelt's vice president and was completely unaware of major initiatives to continue the successful war - most notably the secret project Manhattan, which at the time of Roosevelt's death, was on the highlight of testing the first atomic bomb.
- Truman was soon briefed on the Manhattan Project and approved the use of nuclear weapons against Japan in August 1945 after the Potsdam Declaration was rejected by the Japanese Empire.
- The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki remained to this day the first, but also the only, use of nuclear weapons for war purposes. The bombing was followed by the rapid capitulation of Japan on September 2, 1945, and the end of World War II. The use of nuclear weapons was not controversial at the time, both in the US and among its allies.
- At the Potsdam Conference, Joseph Stalin advised Truman to use the atomic bomb as soon as possible. In the years following the bombing, Truman's decision became extremely controversial, and it was said why he decided to do so.
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Answer: 29 rulers
Detailed Explanation:
Rome had 29 different rulers between A.D. 180 and A.D. 284.