Answer: An auditor determines if the information has been recorded correctly. An accountant is the one who records the transactions.
All large businesses and companies have several accountants on hand. They enter all transactions, classify the accounts, will summarize the transactions that have been made for the entire company, business, or person.
An auditor usually is hired to come in bi-annually or annually to check a financial records and make sure that they are correct. They will cross check each transaction with the accountants entries to ensure the books are correct.
- Driving under influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances.
As per the laws, 'driving under influence of any intoxicating product like alcohol or drugs also known as drunken-driving' is considered as an offence. To ensure the enforcement of this law effectively the state has specified certain penalties and punishments for the offenders like six months imprisonment or suspension of license for a substantial time period. Thus, if someone's found guilty of 'drunken driving or driving under influence'(of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances), his/her license has valid chances of being revoked for a stipulated period of time as a punishment.
They need to know what happens because they are the ones that decide everyone's fate.