Wich one if us growing econmy and diversity
The bering land bridge right? Which is attached to Asia & Canada?
The people of Florence decide to end Cosimo's exile and invite him back C: to stop the financial suffering that occurred once the Medici withdrew their money from the city
“The Medici” was the first dynasty which had won their status not by fighting a war or inheritance, but they succeeded in commerce. The Medici family is also referred as the 'House of Medici'. In the 13th century, both in trade and finance, they gained money and political influence in Florence.
Cosimo de' Medici was the first ruler of Florence from Medici family. In 1433, he was arrested by a rival group. But he was saved from death punishment by his family and friends. But, he was exiled for ten years. He went to Venice and controlled a political party of France as he wanted to work for his return. Within a year, Florence people invited him back. Because he had bought the favour of 'Bernardo Guadagni', for about $25,000.
- Due Process Clause - All citizens will be subject to the same set of legal Procedures
The Due Process Clause is included in both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments as a way to ensure that Government does not infringe on the rights of citizens to life, liberty, or property. The United States Supreme Court interpreted this to mean amongst other things, that this clause provides the right to <em>procedural due process</em> in both civil and criminal cases for all American citizens.
- Citizenship Clause - All residents born in the United States or Naturalized are citizens.
This is a clause in the Fourteenth Amendment that states that "<em>[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.</em>" thereby making anyone born in the US a citizen by law.
- Enforcement clause - Congress has the Authority to make laws to apply this amendment.
Some Amendments give Congress the right to enforce the provisions in them. For instance, Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment gives Congress the power to enforce it by making laws.
- Equal protection clause - The laws apply to all citizens in the same way.
The Equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment requires that States do not in any way, discriminate against anyone in the enforcement of its laws but rather ensure that everyone under their jurisdiction gets the same protection under their laws.
Beside trade, an early industrial revolution (powered by wind, water and peat), land reclamation from the sea, and agricultural revolution helped the Dutch economy achieve the highest standard of living in Europe (and probably the world) by the middle of the 17th century.
Beside trade, an early industrial revolution (powered by wind, water and peat), land reclamation from the sea, and agricultural revolution helped the Dutch economy achieve the highest standard of living in Europe (and probably the world) by the middle of the 17th century.