Explanation (Why I'm confused too):
"Nepali is an Indo-Aryan language" and "Bhanu Jayanti is an annually celebrated cultural festival."
What in the world is this class for?!?!?
I recommend just looking up Bhanu Jayanti on your web browser and doing some research on your own. I have <u>no idea</u> what to do about the Nepali part...
Good Luck!
The symptoms of farmworker exploitation and the more flamboyant aspects of farmworkers’ efforts to gain fair contracts from the growers have become quite well-known. Much less known by equally important is a story which deals with the nitty-gritty of the farmworkers’ struggle for economic dignity: their efforts to form a nation-wide farm workers union.
There is no record of any dynasty before the Shang.
B) The Nazi party was created in response to German hate for
the Treaty of Versailles.
The Treaty screwed Germany over in a lot of ways and the image shows this perfectly. In a way, the allies created the Nazi party.