Output increases with less labor because: Capital and technology increases.
After industrialisation, many lands underwent the usage of secondary sectors and feudal society decreases gradually. Feudal lords lost their power and middle class people emerges as the prestigious people in the society. Industrialisation leads to the decrease in the labour in agriculture but production increases because of the capital infusion in agriculture and due to the arrival of new technology. Demand of food products never dropped as they increases simultaneously with the population hence the increase in capital along with the new technology increases the food production across many countries around the world.
Answer: option d
Explanation:they are also normally called noradrenaline.
They do help by constant regulating of the blood pressure and to increase the sugar (glucose) level content in the blood. It help majorly to lift up (increase) the rate as well as the force of the contraction of the heart and also in do lead to an increase in muscle contraction due to the fact that they are push out(realeased) from the sympathetic nerve fibre ends.
<span>Zakat is the Islamic country<span>'s prosperity</span></span>
Answer:isa. an unconditioned stimulus.
According to classical conditioning , the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is the one in which our response occurs naturally , automatic and unconditionally which means we don't learn how to respond.
For example a smell of your favourite pizza will immediately make you feel hungry because it actual triggers this automatic response from you. The smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus.
In Ivan Pavlov's classic experiment with dogs, when the dog smell their food , the salivating that result from them is an unconditioned response and food is the unconditioned stimulus, it an unlearned response that takes place naturally. This is the same as the meat powder above , which is the dog food.
Coronavirus is a sickness that is effecting the entire world. A pandemic. I would say some of the oppertunites are, working from home, being at home more often, doing online school, seeing your family and freinds virtually.