<span>1. B.F. Skinner answer is D
2. Operant Conditioning answer is B
3. Reinforcing Stimulus answer is J 4. Skinner Box answer is F
5. Extinction answer is I
6. Alfred Bandura answer is A
7. Social Cognition answer is G
8. Constructs answer is C
9. Education answer is H 10. A pure behaviorist answer is E</span>
The answers are: 1. B.F. Skinner answer is D - 2. Operant Conditioning answer is B - 3. Reinforcing Stimulus answer is J - 4. Skinner Box answer is F - 5. Extinction answer is I - 6. Alfred Bandura answer is A - 7. Social Cognition answer is G - 8. Constructs answer is C - 9. Education answer is H - 10. A pure behaviorist answer is E
Burrhus Frederic Skinner was a psychologist, social philosopher, inventor, and American author. He led a pioneering work in experimental psychology and defended behaviorism, which considers behavior as a function of reinforcement environmental histories.
Operant conditioning is a form of teaching, by which a subject is more likely to repeat the forms of behavior that have positive consequences and less likely to repeat those that lead to negative problems.
The association between the stimulus and the response is strengthened; If the response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, the association weakens.
The most important author in the study of operant conditioning is B. F. Skinner. At the end of the 1920s he started working with pigeons. For this, he used a distraction-free environment called Skinner's box,
Extinction: When the reinforcement is removed for a particular response, this behavior gradually decreases its frequency until it occurs only as often as it did before the reinforcement. However, it is important to note that on many occasions, after the reinforcers are removed, an increase in the amount of response and frustration is initially noticed before the decrease begins.
Albert Bandura is a Canadian psychologist whose family is originally from Ukraine. He focused on behavioral-cognitive trend studies and is a professor at Stanford University, recognized for his work on the theory of social learning and its evolution to Sociocognitivism, as well as for having postulated the category of self-efficacy.
Theory of Social Cognitive Learning SCLT is a theory of learning that appears through the idea that people learn by observing what others do, and that human thought processes are fundamental to understanding personality
Bandura proposes a single internal principle composed of three interacting elements. This principle is called triadic reciprocity. Some academics in the area of SCLT support Bandura's vision of triadic reciprocity that defines human behavior as a triadic, dynamic and reciprocal interaction of; personal factors, behavior, and the environment In a closer observation, these three foundations work in a reciprocal nature.
Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people who transfer them to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, example , training or research.
Conductivism, according to J. B. Watson, of the first to define the object of study of psychology, is the objective and natural experimental study of behavior. For B. F. Skinner behavioralism is a philosophy of the science of student behavior, defined several essential aspects of its object of study and unlike Watson focused on describing the general laws governing voluntary behavior. The object of study of psychology and the way in which behavior is conceived is understood in different ways, according to the approach from which it is seen.
Retroactive interference refers to the phenomenon wherein newly learned and memorized information get in the way of or interferes with recalling and retrieving old memories. In this instance, Alexis's newly formed memory of her current phone number is interfering with her ability to retrieve the memory of her former <span>dorm room's</span> phone number.
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