the digestive and circulatory are the two systems that get nutrients to the bone cells
ADH also known as the antidiureitc hormone is secretated in response to low production. The angiotensin II (produced in the lungs) increase the volumen os ADH. As its name says this hormone avoids the water losses in the kidneys in order to do that ADH associates with the AVPR1A recpetors, those receptors open calcium compartiments inside the cells, once opened the vessel constrictions starts avoiding the water losses. Those receptos also stimulates platelet aggregation and coagulation factor VIII, by this way the ADH also avoid hemorrhages.
d.body mass index
because greg is calculate his height and weight
The term “evidence,” as it relates to investigation, speaks to a wide range of information sources that might eventually inform the court to prove or disprove points at issue before the trier of fact. Sources of evidence can include anything from the observations of witnesses to the examination and analysis of physical objects. It can even include the spatial relationships between people, places, and objects within the timeline of events. From the various forms of evidence, the court can draw inferences and reach conclusions to determine if a charge has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Considering the critical nature of evidence within the court system, there are a wide variety of definitions and protocols that have evolved to direct the way evidence is defined for consideration by the court. Many of these protocols are specifically addressed and defined within the provisions of the Canada Evidence Act (Government of Canada, 2017).
In this chapter, we will look at some of the key definitions and protocols that an investigator should understand to carry out the investigative process:
La escoliosis es una curvatura lateral anormal de la columna. Se diagnostica con mayor frecuencia en la infancia o la adolescencia temprana. Las curvas normales de la columna se producen en las regiones cervical, torácica y lumbar en el llamado plano "sagital".
Espero que esto ayude a marcar el MÁS CEREBRAL !!!