Strom Thurmond did not challenge the status quo.
Thurgood Marshall argued cases like <em>Brown v. The Board of Education </em>before the US Supreme Court, and later (in 1967) became a Supreme Court justice -- the first African-American justice to serve on the court.
As president, Harry Truman signed Executive Order 9981, which abolished racial segregation in the US military.
Jackie Robinson was the first black player to play in Major League Baseball.
Strom Thurmond was a US Senator from South Carolina who sought to protect the status quo against the civil rights movement.
Answer: Neo-Confucians adopted many Buddhist and Taoist beliefs.
Explanation: Confucianism, along with Buddhism, Shinto, Taoism, and other native religions, was one of the major shaping elements of traditional East Asian culture.
The ideas preached in Confucianism are quite different from those found in traditional Western religions. In the philosophy of Confucius there is no God, no creative unity, much less temples or churches.
This doctrine is based on the search for the Tao, the harmony of life and the world. To achieve Tao, Confucianism lays the family as the foundation of a society in which all human beings live in harmony. This family begins with the rulers, who are to love the people as true parents, and ends with the subjects, who have a duty to be obedient and humble as children.
He also was part of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production.
I'm sorry but I can't help but there are plenty of websites that would help you. When I was going through the slavery subject one of the main website's that I visited was