Answer: One of the reason was due to entry of ships, the canal locks would raise ships on one side of the isthmus, the ships would cross the lack and be lowered to sea by locks on the opposite side
The building of the Panama canal was an act of justifiable imperialism. The United States government realized the government of Panama wanted to build the canal for themselves and dictate to the Americans, so they hindered them. One of the reason was due to entry of ships, the canal locks would raise ships on one side of the isthmus, the ships would cross the lack and be lowered to sea by locks on the opposite side.
This helped in linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and providing a new route for international trade and military transport.
People spend more money
This means that if more people come, people spend more which then increases the economy of that state.
Answer: <em> The customary diplomatic intercourse between nations. It involves permanent contact and communication between sovereign countries As a part of the diplomatic relations two countries send diplomats to work in each other's country</em>
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Dialogue and commercial relations between nations is a proven way to reduce human conflict.
We can see this example in Europe, which has gone through countless wars, including the two World Wars of the twentieth centurie, where over 100 million people, between soldiers and civilians died.
After the end of World War II, Europe formed the European Coal and Steel community, which would eventually evolve into the European Union in 1993.
The European Union is primarily an economic union that has linked the European economis together, not only preventing war, but also making war costlier in case it happened.