The middle-class was created. Folk could afford and bought houses. Folk educated themselves and their children. Folk started to be able to provide for themselves in retirement. The percentage of poor Americans dramatically dropped.
Businesses flourished and diversified and competition spurred growth. Innovation and products were developed at an ever growing pace. The increase of money on the demand side of the equation spurned business development . . . The rising tide lifted ALL boats.
Communities, cities, counties, states and the Federal government saw income increase as the better economy created more opportunities for everyone. Governments throughout America invested in infrastructure and we established a National Park system and made dramatically better use of our Great Nation's resources.
If it weren't for kleptocracy/plutocracy/theft-capitalism that developed under Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, America would have been in the position to single-handedly stop the Great Depression and the Second World War before they began.
The correct answer among all the other choices is c. Greeks. The Phoenicians based their government on the Egyptians and the Greeks. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help.
The Continental Carbon Company came to a settlement with the U.S environment protection agency (EPA) that the company will Reduce Air Pollution at Manufacturing Facilities in Alabama, Oklahoma and Texas. The company agreed to install air purification or air treatment units that will make the industrial emissions less harmful and acceptable for the environment. The company also agreed to pay a fine of $650,000