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<em>A. The history of civilization is a history of wandering, sword in hand, in search of food.
Jack London has a serious argument with humans because of the regular migration that occurs because of the lack of enough resources. When discussing the migrate motivations because of the economic securities and other better opportunities. The arguments, therefore, are reduced by getting themselves from hunger that had stricken thousands of lives and other Slovak immigrants who had settled in Pennsylvania. The imaginary part of the Drift was the precarious islands that received the drifts that promoted civilization in Ceylon.
It means most important. For example, a priority for you would be to get good grades. It's currently the most important thing for you right now.
Anguish: Deep pain and suffering.
Deign: to do something one considers to be beneath oneself.
meagerly: insufficiently or poor
presumption: behaviour that seems arrogant
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