The oral cavity of animals such as rabbits can be examined when cases of dental diseases are suspected. Dental diseases in rabbits may be due to congenital or traumatic origin. A proper oral examination can help in the prevention, onset, and treatment of dental disease.
The oral cavity of rabbits is small, making it impossible to examine the cheek teeth without instrumentation and sedation. To reduce stress and for proper examination of the oral cavity, radiographic examinations are used under anesthesia. This is the best option for a thorough dental examination because:
--> The bulk of the teeth and the supporting structures is below the gumline, HIDDEN from view during gross oral examination,
--> Proper positioning of the rabbit can be obtained which is vital for correct interpretation of radiographic images.
--> It provides the veterinarian with information on treatment options and long-term prognosis.
I believe it would be decrease the production of HGH hormones.
HGH hormones are responsible for growth of children and adolescents.
Answer: Process, Tubercle, Condyle
leak inside the brain
An intracerebral hemmorhage occurs when a blood vessel within the brain bursts, causing bleeding inside the brain.
Hope that helps.
Herpes 1 belongs to the Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily, this virus targets mucoepithelial cells and diseminate through intimate contact. Although generally HSV-1 infections occurs above the waste (encephalitis, keratoconjunctivitis, coriorentinitis, pharyngitis, esophagitis, tracheobronchitis and oral) there are other clinical manfiestations such as gladiatorium, genital herpes and warths that prove this statement false. Herpes 1 is not totally conclusive in the sense that the areas where it occurs do not comply with the definition given "above the waist". The epidemiological importance is able to determine where it is predominant.