comes from the milk of a Balkan donkey from Siberia.
it's also the rarest
Volcanoes on Mars resemble Hawaiian Shield Volcanoes found on Earth, meaning that the answer is D.
It isn't exactly known who discovered it first, but the earliest claim of earth being round rather than flat was posed by Pythagoras sometime around 500 B.C. He argued that if the moon was round the Earth should be as well.
After that, his claim was proven true by a man named Anaxagoras at around 500-430 B.C when he brought up solar and lunar eclipses. The shape of Earth's shadow on the moon was also used as evidence that the Earth was round.
And finally, in 350 B.C the great Aristotle declared that the Earth was a sphere based on constellations you can see if you travel farther from the equator. Over the next hundred or so years, Aristarchus and Eratosthenes actually measured the size of the earth.
Short answer: The Greeks
Side lengths
Angle measures.
Polygon refers to two dimensional shapes that is created by straight line segments connected to form polygonal circuits. When rotated they have the same lengths and angle measures because it is equilateral and equiangular and rotated at 360 degrees.
This means that it has equal side lengths and equal measure angles.
The number of lines of reflection symmetry is the same as the side of polygon because it has the same length.
For example, Pentagon is a five sided polygon, when rotated, it has five lines order of symmetry. The angle of rotation is 360 degrees, therefore 369 degree is divided by the five lines of symmetry which is 72 degrees.