Since Thomas Jefferson was a democratic republican, he didn't want the government to have all the power. Therefore, he limited the powers of government by getting rid of the alien and sedition acts and lowered taxes
Different religions was well treated by rulers of the Arab empire.
All the rulers of Arab empire were Muslims so they allow the people of different religions to follow their own religion because the holy book Quran forbid the Muslim rulers to force conversion of non-Muslims to Islam. These Arab rulers only impose low taxes on the people of other religion and in return the Muslims ruler provide security to their property and family.
Pure capitalism can be seen in the US. Businesses are run using capital. Those with the capital have a better edge in running the market. Capital investments, shares, labor, and industries are capital based.<span> The economy gets interconnected with capital. Thus, this makes the US a good capitalist model. However, in this design i</span><span>mprovements and profits are not equalized but heavily competed.</span>
<span>On the other hand in socialism, industries are all nationalized or operated by the government. </span><span> </span><span>The concern of this economic system is to equally divide the wealth among the people.</span><span> </span><span> </span><span>Everything is centered on the government to control.</span>