The president of Mexico, Santa Anna, was capture the next day. A few weeks later he signed a peace treaty saying Mexico would leave the region. The general Sam Houston became famous. The treaties opened the door for Texan independence.
Group polarization.
Group polarization is when inside a group what first was an inclination to some ideas, after the individuals talk, those same ideas become much more stronger and radical. As the exercise exemplifies, the jury is deliberating and their initial attitudes are leaning neutral to slighty toward a guilty verdict. After a few days of deliberation, their ideas have strengthened considerably toward a guilty verdict. That's a good example of group polarization.
The type of society that uses a traditional economic system would typically be an ethnic group or tribe. The traditional system is not typically used on a national level. Traditional economic systems answer basic economic questions by use of ritual, habit, or custom.
Answer:Causes of revolution in Russia.
Dictatorship of the czars.
Introduction of the russification method.
The social system.
Industrial revolution.
Russification:This is one of the major reasons of Russia evolution..The Czars imposed a policy that manadated non Russian to the speaking Russian's language.
Industrial revolution.:Russian's became industrialized especially after the construction of the two railways.This brought about exposure as industries were being established.Her citizens advocates for evolution.
Dictatorship of the Czars:The czars operated an autocratic system of government where the freedom of citizens are denied.
The social system..Before evolution in Russia,there is a significance difference between the rich and the poor.The Russian's clamoured for evolution for this disparity to stop.
The rest of the Question Reads:
You tell them all that at least one of them has green eyes. Then you leave, not thinking of the consequences (if any). Assuming that the dragons are (of course) infallibly logical, what happens?
Since there are no mirrors, they are unable to tell the color of their own eyes so they must rely on another dragon. If they are as logical as it comes two dragons sitting together will be unable to tell which of them really has green eyes.
Now it seems that there must be three or more dragons present for this to be solved. Imagine that there are Dragons A, B and C. They will look at each other and understand that one of them might have green eyes.
C will look at A and B
B will look at A and C
A will look at B and C
Two of the dragons will wait to see if one of them will transform and if neither of the two does then he will believe himself to have green eyes. At midnight, he will turn a sparrow. When this happens the other dragons that were in the trio will also believe that they have green eyes and will also turn into sparrows.
In conclusion, a group of dragons staring at each other will eventually all believe that they have green eyes and will all turn into sparrows.