As a Christian, I would like to be able to help the missionaries that are preaching the word of God in uncharted and dangerous lands.
Being a Christian alone is not something that will ensure one's safety. The dormant status of a Christian's life will do nothing, be it his spiritual or emotional growth, even personal growth. As for myself, though unable to g as a missionary, but I would like to be able to grow in my faith by helping those who gave their all for the kingdom of God. They gave up their homes, their families, the warmth and company of their families and friends, instead sacrificing themselves to be among strangers, some even living among dangerous people.
For my part, I would like to first be true in my own belief. If I don't have the love of God and a true belief in the Father, how am I to help in serving Him? So, for my part, I would want to lead a clean and steady Christian life. Then, helping these missionaries in any way I can, be it monetary or even through prayer. I wish I could also take care of as many orphans as possible, alongside helping those missionaries.
So, my list will look something like this-
1. Get myself sorted out first, as in be a good Christian, strong in faith and belief.
2. If not able to go as a missionary, at least help out in supporting those workers through monetary supports.
3. Take care of orphans and unwanted people, helping them in their lives.
Those will constitute my list of accomplishing at least one goal of my life's aim.