Telemedicine => Consulting a specialist
Telemedicine refers to the use of communication devices such as phones and computers to consult
a physicians so that they can diagnose and recommend treatment for a patient without the patient having to come to the physician.
Remote patient monitoring => Tracking a patient's heart rate.
With remote patient monitoring, health details such as a person's heart rate can be monitored without them having to come to a hospital. This data is transmitted to their physicians securely so that analysis can be made.
Health insurance website => Comparing health insurance costs
Health insurance websites now include their pricing details on their websites which would enable a person to be able to compare different insurance services to pick the most suitable one for themselves.
The family of an 87-year-old female has called 911. she is confused and exhibiting improper and out of character behavior. they inform you that she is a diabetic, but takes pills and not insulin. they also state that he has been complaining of dizziness and has been drinking water nonstop as well as urinating. assessment reveals adequate breathing, skin that is cool, and a radial pulse that is rapid and weak. based on this history, you should be suspicious of and treat her for:
- elevated blood sugar.
It is called a horizontal relationship
It was meh
Explanation: i had a stomach ache and it was very horrible food there but i read a lot of books so that made it better
I think that the physician and the medical assistant, Meredith, have an equal part of responsibility. Meredith because you are trained and know that you should always document the correct vital signs every time and for every patient, especially blood pressure. If she was having a problem getting a correct reading, she should have asked for help from another assistant in the office or have tried another sphygmomanometer. Also she did not review Mr. Wallace's file and I assume she didn't ask what was the cause of visit.