los tiene femeninos.
that means he has them feminine.
Me encanta spaniMe encanta el español.
That means i love spanish.
I had a great time here with the Quijano family. Since the first day here,
I have my own bedroom. There is a bed, a table, a lamp, a
desk with a small chair and a mirror. There is also a window with
yellow curtains. The best thing in the room is the lamp. It's red, black, and
brown and it's very artistic. I think it is the most beautiful lamp in the world.
The room is also nice. The walls are purple. I just want my
stereo and my compact discs.
Recomiendo que tome un crucero.
La historia del tomate se remonta a los aztecas. Los europeos no conocieron este fruto hasta el siglo XVI, y únicamente como planta estética, ya que estaba emparentada con la belladona. A partir de entonces se introdujo en las cocinas de todo el mundo.