Answer: Sea stars move using a water vascular system. Water comes into the system via the madreporite. It is then circulated from the stone canal to the ring canal and into the radial canals.
Explanation: The radial canals carry water to the ampullae and provide suction to the tube feet.
When using the forced-choice procedure in measuring odor detection thresholds, the experimenter should separate trial by about 30 second Forced force method an experimental methods which help to obtain threshold.For a single interval and forced choice method there they are at least three procedure for collecting data.
Because it is a fluid system, the atmosphere is capable of supporting a wide spectrum of motions. These range from turbulent eddies of a few meters to circulations with dimensions of the Earth itself. By rearranging mass, air motion influences otheratmospheric components such as water vapor, ozone, and cloud, which figure prominently in radiative and chemical processes. Such influence makes the atmospheric circulation a key ingredient of the global energy budget.
right off of go ogle
Las montañas generan sombre y brisa, mientras que que en una pradera que es casi llano el calor se acumula en el suelo pero el problema es la de forestación que provoca que las arboles que actuaban como las montañas dañen el entorno secando el fresco y húmedo suelo causando problemas con el ambiente
excretory system
The excretory system is the system of an organism's body that performs the function of excretion, the bodily process of discharging wastes. ... There are several parts of the body that are involved in this process, such as sweat glands, the liver, the lungs and the kidney system. Every human has two kidneys.