Because thats where Grendel goes to eat at night. The grabs those who are sleeping and eats them. It’s all in the epic Beowulf
Answer: B. Korea should produce electric vehicles and Japan should produce gasoline vehicles
Explanation: Even though Japan has the absolute advantage in producing both electric and gasoline powered vehicles, Korea can produce electric vehicles at a lower opportunity cost than Japan. Therefore, the countries should specialize and trade, and Korea should produce electric vehicles and Japan should produce gasoline vehicles
Well from the way I see it, if other countries were to get in on the holocaust it would just make it worse becuase then Germany would have to start a war with those countries and it would be a big mess and I’m sure other countries feared that something like that would possibly happen which is why they didn’t act upon it and if they did they would be causing problems for their own country which is what they didn’t need.
At this time you feared anytime we could be nuked.
The kingdom of Songhai, also spelled Songhay, West Africa's great trade state, focused on what is now central Mali on the middle reaches of the Niger River and gradually spreading west to the Atlantic coast and east to Niger and Nigeria.
While the Songhai people are said to have settled in the city of Gao about 800 CE, during the reign of the dia Kossoi, a Songhai convert to Islam, they did not consider it as their capital until the beginning of the 11th century. During the next 300 years, Gao prospered and expanded so much that the rulers of Mali added it to their kingdom from 1325 to 1375.