It is important to include you own personal twist to every piece of art work that you create, because when you create a drawing, or painting, or what ever your doing, you need to express yourself, that is what art is all about! If you work does not have anything that fits you personally, then it does not express who you are, and without expressing yourself, your art does not mean anything, its is just simply something you created, instead of something you could be proud of.
I hope this helps, :)
water colour wash
Wet-in-wet painting
One tip for any watercolor wash: If you notice a mistake in a previous stroke, don’t try to fix it. Once the wash has started to dry, a new stroke will almost definitely be more noticeable than any small mistake. It’s best to leave these happy little accidents as they are.
Wet-in-wet painting is one of the most basic techniques — so basic you might have already done it before without realizing it!
Just go up to him and say hey could we please talk? and if he says yes then tell him how you feel,
Yes im a BOY but ik what to do i had to do it to my gf i have now But Just have HOPE in your self:)
Hope it helps