He had hoped his chair(s) would go on to be mass-produced, not hand-crafted. As a matter of fact, he had hopes that much of his furniture would be mass-produced--he aimed for simplicity in construction. The pieces of wood that comprised the Red Blue Chair were the standard lumber sizes readily available at the time.
Soundtrack and budget are the answers
I believe it is b the traditions, cause its based on experience
woah its creepy good job 11/10
Answer: Although he worked regularly as an actor, Robinson was best known for his tap-dance routines. He pioneered a new form of tap, shifting from a flat-footed style to a light, swinging style that focused on elegant footwork.
Explanation: Robinson is often understood as an embodiment of popular ... Keywords: Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson, tap dance, minstrelsy, specialty number, classical Hollywood ... Robinson's dancing style had a direct influence on other star ... “hoofing on the levee to the strumming of banjos