What is your peice? I can help you but I just need to know what it is !
The source of the attached painting of Michelangelo
Buonarroti’s, Last Judgement is in the book of revelations in the bible. The painting depicts the Second Coming of
Christ and the final judgement by God for all human souls. The soul of humans
rise and descend to their fates as judged by Christ surrounded by known saints.
Answer: Bull's head is a primal motif that seems over and over in Picasso's painting and can be viewed in Spain, France, Egypt, Italy, Greece, and the middle east. It traverses from the ancient eras of grotto arts to modern bullfights.
In 1943, Picasso designed his treasure Bull's Head, a primal motif of Western art, from an abandoned bicycle. This model has a natural attractiveness, with the seat of the bicycle shaping up the bull's head and the handlebar shaping up the bull's horns. This shows that to an artistic genius, everything is probably art.
They were reowned fot their portraits