Get the locksmith to come and put bolts on the doors.
Les Misérables is a novel written by Victor Hugo in the 19th century. The novel speaks about various topics, the history of France, the design of Paris, morals, religion, and love.
Carl Sandburg's poem “Grass” is an unusual war poem in that it personifies grass. In the personification, the grass directly addresses the reader, placing the human perspective to the side. For example, Sandburg writes, “Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo. / Shovel them under and let me work -- / I am the grass; I cover all.” Grass, like human beings, is abundant, and from the perspective of grass, human life seems unimportant, and is therefore dismissed. This personification acts as a metaphor for how humans are treated in war.
Answer and Explanation:
1. Ender meant that many times the lie shows us a reality that is less painful and easier to accept and although this reality does not exist, it is accepted by our spirits and comforts us, because the verse about reality is very hard and difficult to to deal. In this case, the lie is easier to believe, because it brings a comfort that the truth does not.
2. His observation is correct, because the lie is often more comforting and credible, but it is important that whenever possible the truth is prioritized so that people do not experience an illusion.
Gettysburg and the 'A' in Address