It provides background information on the topic.
and It gives the main topic of the paper.
Hurricane Sandy was definitely a very difficult time for everyone in the northeast region. Initially I did not realize how hard it was going to hit us, because the previous year Hurricane Irene did not have such a strong effect on my town. Of course we did not leave the house, and there were a few fallen trees, however it did not affect us like Hurricane Sandy did.
Even though I wasn’t expecting a very severe hurricane, my parents still prepared for the worst. They requested me to come home and stay even though many of my friends were still on campus. I figured being with my family during this difficult time would make the most sense. When the hurricane hit initially we did not lose any electricity even though many families around us did. My sister and I decided to end our boredom by watching random television shows, and just as we found something that interested us, the power went out. We were hoping it was just a quick power shortage, and that the power would be back within the hour. We were in for a big surprise. We did not have warm water or power for five days.
For those five days we charged our laptops and phones inside of my mom’s car, and used them until they had to be charged again and again. During that time, we went on a hunt for all of our old DVDs in our basement, and brought them all up one by one to watch on the laptop. We would listen to the radio from time to time to find out if there were any updates regarding the power outage. The entire time I couldn’t wait for everything to get back to normal so I could return to school and start enjoying my life again.
It was one afternoon when my mom and I were in the car listening to the radio, when I realized that we didn’t have it nearly as bad as people in other ...
Because Rome had demanded financial support from England, a nation struggling to raise money to resist a possible French attack. Wycliffe advised his local lord, John of Gaunt, to tell Parliament not to comply. He argued that the church was already too wealthy and that Christ called his disciples to poverty, not wealth. If anyone should keep such taxes, it should be local English authorities.
Such opinions got Wycliffe into trouble, and he was brought to London to answer charges of heresy. The hearing had hardly gotten underway when recriminations on both sides filled the air. Soon they erupted into an open brawl, ending the meeting. Three months later, Pope Gregory XI issued five bulls (church edicts) against Wycliffe, in which Wycliffe was accused on 18 counts and was called "the master of errors."
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