12 Things You Do That Are Holding You Back From Success. You compare yourself to others. You ask yourself the wrong questions. You wait for others' permission. You wait for the “right” time. You expect instant results. You don't take action. You create fake busyness. You listen to everyone but yourself.
I've always been taught that revising involves checking for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Basically any kind of improvements. Is this one of those questions where you check all that apply? Revising also includes making sure you have stayed on topic and gives you the chance to remove things that may not really apply or add other things that may have been left out. It's where the writer truly polishes everything up.
I hope this helps.
1 Repent
2 Excavation/Crude
6 contemporary
8 lurking
11in the air
A run-on sentence results from two or more complete sentences being connected without any punctuation. The best way to find a run-on sentence is to determine whether there is more than one independent clause in the same sentence without punctuation.
-200 -1.... I promise you this you will pass