Answer: U.S. foreign policy required to better . middle class and how various U.S. foreign policies may impact them.or radically departing from them, might ultimately do more harm than good. Moreover, it could explain why some working families are amenable to policy changes.
Answer: 2 the social contract
John Locke is one of the "social contract"-philosophers. He believed that people had the right to participate in governing the state, since they were rational/sensible. Locke believed that humans were born with certain natural rights, rights of life, liberty and property.
John lock was born in 1632. The Mayflower Compact was drafted and signed by male English migrants aboard the Mayflower on November 11, 1620
He also died in 1704 so he could not have signed the declaration of independence
The 1215 Magna Carta was a conceptually groundbreaking agreement between the then unpopular English King, and the rebel Barons, limiting the power of the King.
During the late 1950s and early 1960s, Werner Arber and several others extended the work of an earlier Nobel laureate, Salvador Luria, who observed that bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) not only induce hereditary mutations in their bacterial hosts but at the same time undergo hereditary mutations themselves. Werner Arber’s research was concentrated on the action of protective enzymes present in the bacteria, which modify the DNA of the infecting virus e.g., the restriction enzyme, so-called for its ability to restrict the growth of the bacteriophage by cutting the molecule of its DNA to pieces.