The answer is zipped. Onomatopoeia are word that sound that sounds like Boom
The answer is (C), becuse the reader does not now was is threatening the characters lives. In the other answers it told "it" was thereatening their lifes. This is why (c) has the sentence fragment.
Answer and Explanation:
A possible explanation as to why animals are used in the story instead of humans is because animals are less complex than humans. In "Animal Farm", the characters do represent real humans: Lenin, Stalin, the Russian people. However, <u>their traits and actions are simplified, which makes it easier for readers to grasp what the author is trying to convey.</u> For instance, the Soviet leaders are represented by the pigs which, in the story, are the only animals intelligent enough to know anything about leading and managing. Precisely because they are more intelligent and have access to power, the pigs begin to act as dictators. On the other hand, most of the other animals are incapable or learning anything or understanding the situation. That is to show how the Russian people were kept in the dark concerning reality, and how easy it was to mistreat them precisely because they did not possess the knowledge or means to fight back.
Cymbeline is an unusually named 9 year old, who has never been swimming. He’s extremely good at other sports, however, so he’s sure it can’t be difficult. When his school announces that his year will be starting swimming lessons, he boasts to the class bully that he is an epic swimmer. His overconfidence is rewarded with an accident – and an embarrassing one at that. However, worse than this, his mother appears to experience some form of breakdown as a result. What is wrong with her? Why has she never taken Cym swimming? And how is this all linked?
This is the aligning summary of the book