A monsoon climate is a tropical wet climate. They are most likely to grow C. rice.
For this translation, you need to replace every occurrence of "x" with "x-3", and every occurrence of "y" with "y+5".
The reason for this state of population density is massive increase in population while land resources is restricted. However in the future this rise can decelerate as birth rate in Vietnam has declined significantly in recent years.
Marine Pollution involves the introduction into the ocean by humans of substances or energy that changes the quality of the water or affects the physical, chemical, or biological environment.
Chemicals and debris, the majority of which originates on land and is dumped or blown into the water, make up marine pollution. The ecology, the health of all living things, and global economic institutions are all harmed by this pollution.
In the modern world, marine pollution is becoming a bigger issue. Chemicals and rubbish are the two main sources of pollution in our ocean.
Chemical contamination, often known as nutrient pollution, is problematic for the environment, human health, and the economy. This kind of pollution happens when human activities, particularly the application of fertiliser on farms, cause chemical runoff into waterways that eventually empty into the ocean.
Learn more about marine pollution here
Factors increasing erosion
Coastal erosion: the strength of the waves breaking along the coastline. Bigger, stronger waves have more erosive power.
Abrasion - rocks carried along by the river wear down the river bed and banks.
Attrition - rocks being carried by the river smash together and break into smaller, smoother and rounder particles.