<span>A sustainable system refers to producing less or probably non-existent debris that are caused by the production of a particular material (i.e. produce, energy). This is a sustainable form of production of coupling algae growth and fish farming because you no longer need the supply of fish feed from other sources that are made artificially but rather, you are using the available algae growth that you are culturing. Farm fishing alone is non-renewable because this produces much waste that can directly harm the environment.<span>
<span>is unable to stand up or walk, even if assisted</span>
The diploid generation of the plant life cycle always PRODUCE SPORES. See Concept 29.2 (Page 625) The diploid generation of the plant life cycle always PRODUCE SPORES. See Concept 29.2 (Page 625) is larger and more conspicuous than the haploid stage produces eggs and sperm is called the gametophyte develops from a spore produces spores
1. The cell is present in some type of cells. It is found in plants and bacteria and some others. It is present or found outside the plasma membrane.
2. The functions of cell wall are that it provides tensile strength and protection to the cell against many type of stress. It also plays very important role in many others protections for the cell. There are two layer, named as primary cell wall and secondary cell wall.
3. Composition of Plant cell walls is that they are primarily made of cellulose. Cellulose fibers are linear long polymers of around 100 molecules of glucose. These fibers cluster into bundles, known as or called microfibrils. In plants the microtubule cytoskeleton are present, and there function is that they directs the orientation of cell wall as in which orientation cellulose is deposited in the cell wall.