It increased the demand for coal and iron. we need the iron to build things and the coal to power things. Remember coal is what powered the steam engine.
Licoln knew that he could not prevent the war, but he insisted that the Confederacy must fire the first shot. Afree the bombardment began US ship was sent to evacuate Fort Summer , but it was unable to do so.
In short Licoln strategy was to make no aggresive moves toward the south until after the fort had been fired upon thus giving the union the moral high ground ^-^
economic policies because of president Jackson
An absolute monarch is a type of form of monarchy in which the monarch holds supreme autocratic authority, principally not being restricted by written laws, legislature, or non written customs.
A political doctrine in defense of monarchical absolutism, which asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not therefore be held accountable for their actions by any earthly authority such as a parliament.