I can tell you that number 2 happens first then number 1 happens next, I'll try to figure this out if I can.
During his trial for suspicion of heresy, Galileo chose his words carefully. It was only after the trial, angered by his conviction no doubt, that he was said to have muttered to the inquisitors, “Eppur si muove”(“And yet it moves)”, as if to say that they may have won this battle, but in the end, truth would win out.
<h3>#Correct me if I'm wrong</h3><h2>#HopeitsHelp</h2>
The four principles on the Consitution is Founded
*Checks and Balances
-Each branch of government has the power to limit the actions of the other two.
*Separation of Powers
-The government's power is divided among three branches: legislative, The Executive, and The Judicial Branches
*Limited Government
-The government has only the powers that the Constitution gives it.
*Popular Sovereignty
-The people are the only source of government's power.
How does the Consitution incorporate these principles into a plan for government?
*Checks and Balances: No one branch can become so powerful in a democracy as to destroy this system.
*Separation of Powers:Prevents abuse of power and safeguards our freedom.
*Limited Government: These laws create boundaries beyond which the government is not allowed to go and powers delegated to it are the only powers it has.
*Popular Sovereignty:Allows us to elect who we want to represent us.
Dude is it not written there in your book?
The correct answer to the question is Environmental Protection Agency. The U.S. agency, Environmental Protection Agency, enforces environmental regulations, which helps people to interact with the environment in sustainable ways. Environmental Protection Agency also protects the human health and handles the legality of actions towards environment and health.