espero que esto ayude,
No soy tan buena en español pero quiero explicar más o menos
Los votantes eligen un tercio de los senadores y cada miembro de la Cámara de Representantes. Las elecciones intermedias ocurren a mitad de camino entre las elecciones presidenciales. ... Las elecciones al Congreso utilizan el voto popular para elegir ganadores. No usan el Colegio Electoral, que se usa en las elecciones presidenciales.
(Además del poder descrito anteriormente, el Congreso comparte poderes con el presidente en asuntos tales como, enmarcar la política exterior de Y el control sobre el ejército. Por ejemplo, mientras el presidente negocia tratados, solo se ponen en vigencia una vez que el Senado los aprueba.)
Whereas supporters of the Clovis First model envisioned humans reaching the Americas by trekking overland, Erlandson thinks the earliest travelers arrived by sea, paddling small boats from East Asia to southern Beringia and down the western coast of the Americas.
That statement is true.
Preventive law view refers to the course of actions that an organization takes NOT to handle lawsuits BUT to prevent a lawsuit from coming to begin with.
This could be done by creating a certain type of working environment or by making the employees sign several agreements.
Answer: This is an example of <u>photographic memory </u>(visual memory).
Visual memory describes the relationship between the perceptual process, coding, storage, and recovery of representations of neural processing. Visual memory occurs over a wide range of time, ranging from eye movements to several years ago of memories. Visual memory is a form of memory that preserves some characteristics of our senses related to the<em> visual experience. </em>We are able to locate visual memory information that looks like objects, places, animals, or people in a mental image.
Photographic memory is defined as the ability to remember images or sounds with <em>extreme precision</em>. The word eidetic refers to extremely detailed, with respect to visual images.
A corporation owes its primary obligation to the shareholders of the corporation rather than the stakeholders.