germany was starved into surrender in WW1 by the naval blockade established by the Royal Navy from August 1914. 760,000 German civilians died in WW1 (compared to 500,000 in WW2).There was no fighting in Germany itself in WW1,and no mass...
The responsibilities of the Federal Reserve include influencing the supply of money and credit; regulating and supervising financial institutions; serving as a banking and fiscal agent for the United States government; and supplying payments services to the public through depository institutions like banks, credit...
ship sank in Egypt and then they found each other back on the boat
Great Britain was fully industrialized with it's cities having smoke coming out of it's factories from as far as your eyes can see and making materials and products that were traded almost all over the world. Unlike Britain, Russia was the complete opposite. Russia was a mostly had agricultual economy with a serfdom system that was more than 200 years old, having little to no factories and it's products, materials, etc coming from industrialized countries like Britain, France and the various German states at the time.