Clark and Lewis were born in Virginia in 1770 and 1774, respectively.
Lewis served in the Army (1794)
President Thomas Jefferson asked Lewis to be his secretary (March 6th, 1801).
President Thomas Jefferson chose Meriwhether Lewis to be the commander of the 'Corps of Discovery' expedition. Clark joins him in this mission. So, both Lewis and Clark established Camp Wood in Illinois (Spring, 1803).
The purchase of Louisiana is announced (July 4th, 1804).
The expedition begins (May 14th, 1804).
Representatives of Oto and Missouri Indians meet with the Corps and receive gifts like medals and flags (August 3rd, 1804).
Lewis and Clark meet Chief B. Buffalo e Teton Sioux (Septemmber 25th, 1804).
They discover the Mandan and Hidatsas Indian villages and build Fort Mandan across from the main village (October 24th, 1804).
Lewis and Clark send a dozen of men back to President Thomas Jefferson with reports, Indian artefacts, and reports. The rest of the group of explorers continue the expedition heading west and up the river (April 7th, 1805).
They reach the 3 forks of the Missouri RIver, named by them as the Gallatin, the Madison, and the Jefferson (July, 1805).
The expedition goes on Southwest, up the Jefferson. Clark and Lewis name the site Camp Fortune (August 17th, 1805).
They reach the Columbia River (October, 1805).
Lewis and Clark face bad storms that delay their progress. William Clark writes his very known journal: "Ocean in view.Oh! The Joy!"
President Jefferson welcomes a delegation of chiefs who Lewis and Clark met with more than a year earlier (January, 4th, 1806).
Lewis and Clark begin their journey back home (March 23rd, 1806).
Both expeditions were sent out by the President Thomas Jefferson. However, while Pike's expedition was only a military party with the goal of exploring the south and west of Louisiana, Lewis and Clark's expedition was considered to be more valuable because it happened during the Age of Enlightenment. In this expedition, they met with Oto, Missouri, Yankton Sious and Arikara chiefs. Pike's expedition brought back geographical information about the portion of new Louisiana. Clark and Lewis's expedition brought back reports, scientific specimens and Indian artefacts.
The objective of Clark and Lewis's mission was to explore the unknown territory, look for a water route from the U.S to the Pacific, trade with the Natives and make sure they knew of the United States sovereignty in the area. They presented a vast variety of animals and plants to Europeans and Americans. Lewis and Clark's expedition is still important for us nowadays, since it acts as a point of reference by which we can calculate change and progress in every area from relationships with people to the environment.
As an admiral and later the 19th Chief of Naval Operations, Zumwalt played a major role in United States military history, especially during the Vietnam War. A decorated war veteran, Zumwalt reformed United States Navy personnel policies in an effort to improve enlisted life and ease racial tensions.