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The New Deal was President Franklin D Roosevelt's attempt to help America out of the Great Depression during the 1930's. The goal of this program was to provide relief, recovery, and reform. President FDR planned to do this by developing new government programs that would help Americans get back to work as well as developing agencies that will aid in making sure that a depression of this size never happens again.
Some of the most important work agencies include the Conservation Civilian Corps (CCC) and the Civil Works Administration (CWA). These two programs helped to employ millions of Americans. Along with these employment programs, programs like Social Security were formed in order to give direct financial assistance to elderly American citizens. All of these programs show FDR's dedication to having the federal government play a more significant role in the day to day lives of American citizens.
The US trade deficit with China is the world's largest and a sign of global economic ... its soybean imports after U.S. President Donald Trump started a trade war.
The Building of Tenochtitlan About 1325, the Aztecs began building a capital city on the island in Lake Texcoco. They called the new capital Tenochtitlan (tay»nohch«teet»LAHN). In some ways the place said to be chosen by Huitzilopochtli was a good one. Having water all around made the island city easy to defend against attack.