Communist China
Starting with the breakup of Imperial China in 1911, China became an area where warlords would control the lands. Nationalist China, which claimed all of China had a sizeable minority of Communists, and when the Nationalists banned Communism, the Communists rebelled and created their own state. When Japan invaded China in 1937, the Warlords combined to fight Japan and after Japan's defeat in 1945 the warfare resumed. Due to the war with Japan though, the Nationalists were very weak. When the Communists resumed the fighting, the Nationalists couldn't keep up and had to evacuate to the island of Taiwan, where they still keep their Democratic system. Mainland China fell to the Communists, and both claim each others lands citing themselves as the "true" China.
Public debate takes place mostly through the mass media, but also at meetings or through social media, academic publications and government policy documents.
There are many way that the vocanic eruption in japan have an impact on Canada. ONe of them is finacially,with all the damage done in Japan the country would have to spend millions to restore what has been destroyed. With this said Canada is ocean neighbors with Japan so all of the debris from japan would cross over to B.C. therefore the Canadian government would have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to clean up what has washed up on the shores. Also since canadiasn are so empathetic, they would most likely donate money to aid the Japanese, adding to the cost.
They are widespread grasslands