C. Fresh water hope it helps (;
les glandes produisent deux produits essentiels :
-gamètes. les mâles produisent du sperme et les femelles produisent des ovules (œufs). la formation des gamètes dépend d'un type particulier de division cellulaire appelé méiose
-hormones sexuelles. ces hormones stéroïdes - principalement la testostérone chez les hommes, les œstrogènes et la progestérone chez les femmes - jouent un rôle vital à la fois dans le développement et la fonction des organes reproducteurs et dans le comportement et les pulsions sexuelles. ces hormones influencent également la croissance et le développement de nombreux autres organes et tissus du corps
a mutation that blocks the GTPase activity of Ras
A G protein in inactive state is GDP bound but as soon as a guanine exchange factor (GEF) exchanges it with GTP it gets activated which means that in GTP bound state it is active. G - protein has endogenous GTPase activity. Upon interaction of GAP, the GTPase activity of this protein is exhibited. When GAP is present, hydrolysis of GTP into GDP occurs which leads to inactivation of G protein. A mutation which will block GTPase activity of Ras will therefore result in constitutive active signaling even in the absence of ligand binding to it's receptor. In such scenario, GTP will not be hydrolyzed into GDP so signaling will be up-regulated.
The Earth's magnetic field protects us by deflecting much of the incoming solar radiation. Without it, our atmosphere would be stripped by solar winds.
Satellites can and do suffer damage from solar storms, and without Earth's magnetic field, every electronic device could be exposed to high-energy particles from cosmic rays and the solar wind. If Earth lost its magnetic field, there would be no magnetosphere and no line of defense, even from weaker solar storms