Advise Mr. Walker to call 911 and be seen in the emergency room. SOA, pressure in the chest and sweating (diaphoresis) are i indicators of heart attack. I would suggest a low dose of baby aspirin too to thin the blood in the event it is a heart attack.
In the modeling technique “the therapist models the desired response / behavior”, ie he reinforces only the desired behaviors. Juan's therapist, through modeling, encourages Juan to start, or at least try, to open the door without wearing gloves, as this is a desired behavior for him to begin to lose his fear of germs.
Therapeutic modeling is the process by which a person learns behaviors by observing and imitating others. It is a very effective method of behavior change, since watching others is one of the main human ways of learning, assisting people who are exhibiting adaptive behavior teaches better coping strategies for people with inappropriate responses. Modeling is effective in overcoming fears and anxieties because it offers an opportunity to watch another person go through the anxiety-generating situation without injury.
Cole , avoiding social situations , shaking , sweating
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