Panamanian sancocho originated in the Azuero region of the country, and Panamanians swear by eating a bowl of the hot soup for lunch on the hottest days, to help cool off. Sancocho is regarded almost as an elixir of life in Panama.
I’m pretty sure they were conflicted
Spain lies in the temperate zone it's climate is determined by its unusual world position, and by its continental land mass and high mountainous terrain,producing one of the most diverse and varies climates in Europe
Una definición sucinta de Guerra Exterior puede ser la siguiente: Acto internacional constituido por la lucha armada entre Estados, cuyo objeto es hacer prevalecer un punto de vista jurídico o político mediante el empleo de la fuerza.
Sera mejor que le digas ha esa persona que honestamenete no tienes interes hablar con ellos, o nomas no salgas al recreo.