After the Persian war, Greece was dominated by Athens.
I can't really answer this for you because this is YOUR opinion but here's what I would've said; Yes, I would have because of the extreme hardships the militia men had to go through. During that winter, many soldiers had suffered the consequences of going through and not quitting the journey but if I were one of them, I would've quit. Even though I know that I have to fight for the country, I would not have been able to go through with the lasting consequences. Men had to walk through treacherous snow which also was cold and wet, this was not a good environment for soldiers to be in.
In the Federal Government thought, the Indian appropriations act would work as a peace plan avoiding a violent encounter between American white people and Indians once the Americans started to extend their lands to the western part of the country (The plains), this act let the Indian people to move to protected reserves through funds assigned by the government.
7.. you answered the question in the question! :)
In general, no, the revolution in agriculture was no necessary to the Industrial Revolution since the Industrial Revolution relied on things like machines and steel.