Relentless means oppressively constant; incessant.
Accelerated means of a vehicle or other physical object) begin to move more quickly.
Occasional means occurring, appearing, or done infrequently and irregularly.
Haphazard means lacking any obvious principle of organization.
Unyielding means (of a mass or structure) not giving way to pressure; hard or solid as well as (of a person or their behavior) unlikely to be swayed; resolute.
I hope this helps you in any shape or form.
Uncomfortable, although the original definition of frightful, in this context I do believe that it is meaning uncomfortable because of the word "squash".
idk it just makes sense in my head
Social media
The topic could be social media, it is a win or lose topic between parents/guardians. It is hard to find a reason to side with the teen or not. Adults nowadays think that children are feeding off of social media, some think not. It's is hard to find someone who really just doesn't care, so that is why it is a topic to use.