As a deputy postmaster, he became interested in the North Altlantic Ocean circulation patterns. While in England, Franklin heard a question about why it took mail longer to reach than RI. He then asked his cousin who told him that merchant ships routinely avouded a strong eastbound mid-ocean current while the mail packets captain sailed dead into it, fighting an adverse current.
The Supreme Court Judge was the political office, part of the first territorial Government.
Also known as the ‘Alaskan Highway’ the Alcan was built during WW2. It was built to connect the us territory to the us through Canada. It was paved through incase there was an urgent need to get from one place to another through Military accompaniment. Now its a tourist destination.
Are you talking about the French and Indian War, or what war are you asking about?
Colonists had to struggle to grow enough food to meet their needs.
They could only pay back crops but they also needed food for their families.