Laws were written to abolish slavery. I can also see how B would make sense, as it spread through the Southern colonies quickly but was not adapted in the North. Slavery was not strictly in the Southern colonies, as there were some slaves in Northern colonies, but when we think of the Civil War, we think of Southern as for slavery and North against it. When slaves were freed, they could go wherever they please but most traveled North to try to gain true freedom.
yes 18004 yes it went to mint to get classified.
The majority of American intervention in the foreign affairs occurred during the Cold War (this is your answer). Latin America was a frequent hotspot for activity as well especially towards the latter half of the Cold War with Fidel Castro's rise to power in Cuba.
Society's developmental journey is marked by three stages: physical, vital, and mental. These are not clear-cut stages, but overlap. All three are present in any society at time. One of them is predominant while the other two play subordinate roles.