I guess "Earths Tilt and Rotation" because the north pole might be in winter and the south pole would be in summer based on the earths rotation.
<h2>Technology will become an important thing in the science of geography, for example, satellites that can study the terrain or know what previous buildings were or even know the old geographical perception thousands of
years ago.hope you are learn </h2>
In May 1804, the first American expedition the western portion of United States called the Lewis and Clark Expedition started in a city of U.S. state of Missouri called St. Louis. The expedition is also known the Corps of Discovery.
undernourishment means; "not given the essential elements for proper development."
desertification means; "the process of which a certain area becomes a desert."
food security means; "the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food."
and all of those go into where Sahel is because it is a poor, undernourished, deserted area.
B. Better managing our natural resources