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You tell them all that at least one of them has green eyes. Then you leave, not thinking of the consequences (if any). Assuming that the dragons are (of course) infallibly logical, what happens?
Since there are no mirrors, they are unable to tell the color of their own eyes so they must rely on another dragon. If they are as logical as it comes two dragons sitting together will be unable to tell which of them really has green eyes.
Now it seems that there must be three or more dragons present for this to be solved. Imagine that there are Dragons A, B and C. They will look at each other and understand that one of them might have green eyes.
C will look at A and B
B will look at A and C
A will look at B and C
Two of the dragons will wait to see if one of them will transform and if neither of the two does then he will believe himself to have green eyes. At midnight, he will turn a sparrow. When this happens the other dragons that were in the trio will also believe that they have green eyes and will also turn into sparrows.
In conclusion, a group of dragons staring at each other will eventually all believe that they have green eyes and will all turn into sparrows.